Friday 1 May 2015

That Other Resource - Social Media

Within my research I was getting stuck on the Basildon Bus Station Mosaic, so I did an uncharacteristic thing and put out a little plea for help on a very popular public group on Facebook, 'Basildon Memories'.  I asked "Does anybody know who designed the most recent mosaic at Basildon Bus Station?  I know who did the original one but the most recent mosaics designer and source of tiles has seemed to escape local history researchers," or words to that effect.

I got a few reply's that indicated that school children were involved with the design but in a couple of days time I got a huge surprise!  An email from Gary, the boss of the Hollybush Construction company who installed the most recent mosaic, a timeline of Basildon, who would have thought!  He doesn't even live around this way anymore and works abroad but he keeps an eye on the Basildon Memories FB page.  We exchanged a lot of emails and after also phoning up the providers of the ceramics to check on a few facts I came to my conclusion what I would write in the book. 

I wrote:-

Basildon Bus Station Mosaic, Southernhay
William Gordon designed the original mosaic for Carter's of Poole.  Consisting of thousands of abstract, patterned hand-printed tiles, it was said to be the largest mosaic in the country.  The recent timeline of Basildon mosaic was installed after 1991 by Hollybush Construction. H & R Johnson of Stoke-on-Trent made the ceramics, and Fewster and Partners of London were the design architects.  Apparently, a plaque with Mr Tony Brooks' name is installed somewhere within the mural.  He was H & R Johnson's (London Office) Senior Architectural Manager and died in 1991, before it was finished.

We have kept in touch and he has told me that he has the opening of the mosaic on a video, TV cameras were there and a speech was made from the then Mayor of Basildon.  The unveiling was shown on the news that night.  I am anticipating receiving that video very soon so that the Basildon Heritage Group can get it put on a DVD and they will keep it for posterity and also give me a copy to send to Gary.  It is just a case of his daughter actually finding the video which maybe unnamed and up in the loft, so there is a bit of searching to do and I expect she has a busy life.  One has been sent already but it was only a video of family occasions. 

He has also found a reference letter that states the date when the work was carried out, it happened between June 1991 and October 1991. 

Wednesday 29 April 2015

A Writer's Resources

When I got approached in November 2013 about writing the book I was prompted to get in touch with the Basildon Heritage Group (that is the name they are usually referred to) for most of the old photographs.  The group were very obliging and since my book has been published I have endeavoured to help them in return, I pop in now and again and have helped build up their Facebook audience and also given them my ceramic poppy from the Tower of London.  They had borrowed it for a WW1 exhibition and I was happy to give them it as they would have more use for it than me, they could possibly frame it with a photograph of the group voluntarily planting the poppies.  I wanted to contribute to the charity but I'm not really keen on ornaments I just see  them as dust collectors.

I referred back to my uni days and the research I had done for various projects and the dissertation, this was a starting point.  I borrowed as many books as possible from the library and over time got a list of contacts who have helped me greatly with information and photographs, these people are listed at the back of my book.  However the style of Amberley Publishing's 'Through Time' series is such that they don't include a bibliography.  I can say that I have looked at all possible related websites and books and double checked information as much as possible.

Recommended Basildon History Sites:-

Local to Basildon History Sites:-

Apart from the above Basildon history sites I scanned websites that held information about the history of the country generally, some would come up with little gems about the area.  I also looked through Echo newspaper's archives and went into libraries and asked if they kept papers of local history, which quite a few do.  There is also the other great resource -

So lots of information there for aspiring local history writers.

For more information about writing listen to this interview on Hospital Radio for Basildon, I enjoyed it:-


Going Live!

My book was published last November and apart from one book signing and a Christmas Market I've kept quite low key (apart from some activity on Facebook).  I had other things on my mind like having a new kitchen installed, which a lot of people know is a big deal!  We had to make basic food like sandwiches in the bedroom, and had lots of takeaways. 
Anyhoo!  Getting back to the point, as my new role as Publicity Officer for the Thalian Theatre Group I was in conversation with the guy who has put together our new website, my photograph had to be added for my role on their Committee page.  We'd friended each other on facebook to talk about this then I did a post in regard to my book.  He soon inboxed me, and after a bit of a chat, asked if I'd like to do an interview on Hospital Radio for Basildon about the book!  Not one to miss an opportunity if offered I immediately said yes.  Here is the result of that conversation.